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HMP at Nanyang Girls’ High School

I was invited to Nanyang Girls' High School for Environment Week! Over the half hour talk, I shared stories about Nepal's impressive Himalayan landscape, its wonderful wildlife, the unique trades and livelihoods of Himalayan settlers, and the challenges and importance of managing dog communities if we wish to preserve this unique habitat.

Students ooh-ed and ahh-ed at photographs of pikas and foxes, and raised and their eyebrows at bizarre animals like musk deer and blue sheep! Then, all fell silent when we shared images of the rare and ghostly snow leopard, a creature few in the world ever get to see.

Through learning about the wildlife of the Himalayas, and how each creature depends on the delicate balance of the fragile yet violent landscape to scrape a living, students grew to understand how an unmanaged dog population can have an impact on native wildlife, and why it is important that we play a role in helping preserve a little piece of this world wonder!

A big THANK YOU to Nanyang Girls' High School for this unique opportunity to share and raise awareness about this historic effort to neuter and vaccinate dogs in Nepal's Himalaya! Nepal's first ever, and possibly the world's highest!

3 WAYS YOU CAN HELP 1) Like and Share these photos so that others can learn about our efforts! 2) Talk about our work with your friends, family, and colleagues! 3) Organise a small fund raiser in your office, or school! Invite us over for a talk! We need your continued support to take the Himalayan Mutt Project into the long term! Help us bring much needed dog neutering camps into other villages in Nepal's Himalaya so that we can continue to make a difference for dogs, wildlife, and communities!

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(+65) 6836 4030

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